Monday, July 17, 2017

Ladies, if you're dating a guy that says he's one way, don't be so quick to jump into anything with him right away.  Just give it time and wait for him to really show his true colors. Often times, now a days, a dude (these are not men) will send his "representative" to stand in his place. Now, the "representative" he sends says that he has it all together, sometimes he even has a sob story to go along with his so called "togetherness". Some of those stories can include how his girlfriend doesn't treat him right, how his wife is just a total bitch (their favorite), or no one understands him, blah, blah, blah. Don't fall for it, it's fuckery at it's finest. Just wait! I'm telling you he'll eventually show up and show his ass. It always happens! Be patient and wait. You'll save yourself the frustration, self doubt and ultimately heartache! Trust me, got a t-shirt and several shot glasses from trips I've taken down this road!

When they show you who they are, believe them the first time! Don't hold any ill feelings or wish them any ill will. What's for them, they'll eventually get. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and throw up the middle finger as he watches your ass bounce off into the sunset. Remember, it's his loss and be grateful for all of the drama you dodged. I'm telling you, self love is better than his raggedy ass love on ANY day!

Have a good day my lovelies! ❤

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